
Reciprocation with different motions: an in vitro comparative study



A new clinical motion, designed to improve the safety and efficiency of NiTi instrumentation, has been proposed and positively evaluated in several studies: the “MIMERACI” technique. In the present study, the aforementioned technique was tested with a single-file reciprocating instrumentation system: EdgeOneR Utopia (Edge Endo, Albuquerque, New Mexico). The aim of the study was to determine whether the MIMERACI technique could reduce instrumentation stress (specifically torsional loads) by analyzing operative torque and comparing it to the traditional pecking motions recommended by manufacturers. Twenty instruments were randomly divided into two groups of 10 each. Each instrument in both groups was used to instrument one artificial 3D upper molar tooth. All teeth had identical anatomy, and three canals were instrumented to ensure proper visualization. Group 1 instrumented the canals using the MIMERACI technique, while Group 2 used a pecking motion (21) (1–2 mm amplitude) with a series of three pecking strokes. A video camera mounted on a tripod continuously f ilmed and recorded both the instrument’s progression inside the canal and the torque displayed by the motor. Torque values for both groups were recorded and transferred to an Excel sheet (measured every 1/10 second). Data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey’s test at a 5% significance level. Group 1 (MIMERACI) demonstrated significantly lower average torque values (mean 0.25 N, SD 0.1) compared to Group 2 (pecking motion), which showed higher values (mean 0.45 N, SD 0.15). The maximum torque peak recorded was 1.4 N for the MIMERACI group and 2.2 N for the pecking motion group.

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Vittorio Franco - Private practitioner, UK

Maya Feghali - Private practitioner, France

Rosalie Chakra - Private practitioner, Lebanon

Mohammed Hammo - Private practitioner, Jordan

Valentina Vincenzi - Private practitioner, Italy

Kadriye Ozdayi - Private practitioner, Turkey

Hyeon-Cheol Kim - Pusan National University, Korea

Massimo Galli - Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy

Gabriele Miccoli - Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy

How to Cite
Franco, V. ., Feghali, M. ., Chakra, R. ., Hammo, M. ., Vincenzi, V. ., Ozdayi, K. ., Kim, H.-C. ., Galli, M. ., & Miccoli, G. . (2025). Reciprocation with different motions: an in vitro comparative study. Annali Di Stomatologia, 15(4), 217–221.

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