
A Multilocular Radiolucency Presenting at the Apex of a Tooth: Lessons to be Learned



An accurate diagnosis and treatment plan can increase the chances for a timely and effective treatment and better outcomes of our patients. Clinicians can use clinical and radiographic examinations to help them in their everyday practice for making a correct differential diagnosis. Traditionally, a periapical lesion that is treated by non-surgical endodontic therapy is not biopsied. As a result, no histological diagnosis is available prior to end- odontic treatment. While this approach is effective in the vast majority of cases, some cases are more complex and may be deceptive, resulting in failed treatment. One such case is presented in this case report. Interdisciplinary consultation and collaboration as a team of the endodontist, radiologist, oral surgeon and histopa- thologist is very important to be able to make a correct diagnose, treatment plan and to give the best treatment to our patients.
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Deeba Kashtwari - Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

Almira Isufi - Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine

Zachary S. Peacock - Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Bernard Friedland - Harvard School of Dental Medicine

How to Cite
Kashtwari, D. ., Isufi, A. ., S. Peacock, Z. ., & Friedland, B. . (2024). A Multilocular Radiolucency Presenting at the Apex of a Tooth: Lessons to be Learned. Annali Di Stomatologia, 15(2), 57–63.