



As President of the Italian Academy of Endodontics (AIE) , and on behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to announce the beginning of an important and prestigious scientific collaboration with Annali di Stomatologia, a historical scientific journal in the Italian landscape with significant international implications. The possibility to have an official journal, moreover with a great history, is for a Scientific Society today an unmissable opportunity and at the same time an essential requirement for the consolidation of the societary structure. The very essence of academic reality must be based on the possibility of making known and consultable the ideas, clinical expertize, scientific and clinical research findings obtained by AIE members. The possibility to have the scientific works of our Congresses published in a peer review journal is a crucial step forward in making our Academy a hub of Italian scientific resources in the field of endodontics and a realhome of comparison and growth open to all clinicians, researchers, companies engaged in research, and the excellences that our country generously generates in our field. I want to underline how still today in many aspects of our practice there is a huge need for scientifically supported “evidence” from high-level clinical studies and how the realization of multicenter studies with adequate numbers can only come through the collaboration of researchers and clinicians. This urgent need is at the same time a magnificent opportunity that we face to aggregate and coordinate the resources necessary to achieve scientific landmarks and in the drafting of reliable guidelines in the endodontic field. The Italian Academy of Endodontics aims to lay the foundations for creating a new network in the development of quality research with the coordination of our Commissions, which are the beating heart of these activities. Having a platform in our official journal today further amplifies these potentialities. We thank the Publisher, the Editorial Board and the Editor in Chief for giving us this opportunity and I take this space to affirm that the growth of the AIE family, as the unique Home for all Italian Endodontics with its distinctive signs of human brotherhood preceding the professional ones, can only draw new vital energy from this prestigious editorial adventure. Ad maiora

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Nicola Maria Grande - Presidente AIE

How to Cite
Maria Grande, N. . (2024). Editorial. Annali Di Stomatologia, 15(2), 55.