Classification system for partial edentulism: ABC classification
S. Bortolini, A. Berzaghi, A. Bianchi, A. Natali, R. Frugone-Zambra, M. Barbano, J. Biotti, M. Franchi, U. Consolo
Objectives: This article proposes a classification system for partial edentulism according to criteria of patient’s efficiency, sufficiency and functional deficits
Methods: The ABC classification is based on a critical analysis of functional units premolars and molars in antagonism between them. The indispensable diagnostic tools are the visit of patient, diagnostic imaging tests and model analysis in antagonism to each other. Results: Classification proposal. The classification recognizes and classifies three distinct functional levels identifying them with a letter and a standardized color code. Class A (green) represents an anatomical condition that allows bilateral masticatory function; Class B (yellow) identifies bilateral edentulous conditions and represents a condition of functional sufficiency. Class C (red) represents the condition of functional insufficiency.
Conclusions: The ABC classification represents a rapid pre-diagnostic tool capable of identifying 3 levels of difficulty of the clinical case: progressively, proceeding from green to red, the clinician can ideally foresee the series of pretreatments and the level of difficulty in prosthetic acceptance of every single individual. The classification is proposed as a general guideline with which to analyze advantages and disadvantages of different therapeutic alternatives, but also as an effective communication tool with the patient.